Catalogues are useful tools for creating groups of product for ease of selection, promos, clearance,  etc 

Catalogues are created and populated via the Catalogues area of CM.

(Inventory Control  > Master File Maintenance > Catalogues)

To create a new catalogue, click the ‘*’ New button, and enter a reference and description, leave the ‘Active’ unchecked at this time and apply. 

Designs are imported via a spreadsheet using the columns:

* Catalogue, Season, Design, Sequence 

Where the "sequence" is a number which will determine the order that the designs appear on the Webportal, CMRemoteSales app's list.  

Populate the spreadsheet then import the spreadsheet in 'Catalogues'. 

Its important to note that any original content for the required Catalogue will be fully over-written by the imported data. 

Once you are happy that the Catalogue is correct and ready for use in the field, check the ‘Active’  checkbox and it will be uploaded to the web on the next scheduled synchronisation.