Providing your user account has WebPortal Admin privileges'; you can edit when and who receives emails when various actions are performed in the WebPortal (Order Confirmation, User Registration).

The "Email Settings" area is accessible from within the WebPortal's Settings menu ( Options menu > Administration > Settings > Email Settings).

The first three radio buttons at the top, control who receive email notifications when an order is placed on the WebPortal.

Selecting "All" indicates that an email notification will be sent regardless if the order was placed via the WebPortal or CMRS app.

For example, setting the "Email Customer" to "Yes" (and clicking Update) would mean that any customer completing an order, would receive an email.

The "Office Order Confirmation Email Address" is where emails will be sent to if "Email Office" is set to "Yes" or "All".

"Order Email Subject" lists the text that will be entered into Order Confirmation emails' Subject line.  Note that $WSORDID$ is converted to the order number.

The following fields contain details used to connect and send email with.  

SMTP Server Address
Address of your email server. (eg.
Server Account
Username used to log on to the server to send with. (eg.
Server Password
Password of above user
Server PortTick if SSL is available usually tick if port is 587
Secure Server
Tick if SSL is available usually tick if port is 587
Email Sending Address

Email address used as the from account. 


The Username used in the settings above, must have permission to use the "Email Sending Address".  

(this is often an issue when attempting to send using an email address where the domain portion differs from the server's)

The remaining settings dictate whether or not Registration emails should be sent, and where confirmed registrations should be sent to (Registration Emails To)