Processing Line Orders allocates stock to the order and creates picking/shipping records. During the processing there is an option to either cut or back order stock that is not available. It is normal practise to cut greeting card orders and back order giftware.

Processing the order will perform credit checking. Orders for customers on hold, set to always hold or where the balance of the order plus the estimated value of the new order is over the credit limit, will be credit failed. Credit failed orders can be released, the release flag will allow the order to bypass credit checking. A released order that becomes backlogged will be subject to credit checking on subsequent processing runs.

1. Go to Order Processing, select the Line Orders menu and Process Orders

2. Select the season to process orders for:

The processing dialogue is now presented for order selection. For normal day to day processing the dialogue is ready to go, all orders ready to ship today will be displayed.

3. Check that the correct Service groups have been selected. Default setting is All. To change untick All and use the drop down list to select the appropriate group.

4. Check the Cut/Back order selection is set correctly to make sure the normal required setting is remembered

If cut is selected all product with not enough stock will be cut unless the items product group is set to never cut. If back order is selected all product with not enough stock will be back ordered, the order will be reprocessed daily until the stock arrives. 

Orders with future dates can be found by setting the Due for shipment date forward.

5. If you are only wanting to process orders from a particular Product Group or Range, untick ‘All’ and select the required Product Group or Range from the dropdown list. 

This will only process items on order that match the selected product group or range, other items on order will be left for processing at a later time. 

6. If not all orders are to be processed, it is possible to select specific orders for processing.

Check the Selected only option (the orders will move from the Orders to be actioned section to Orders available).

If required, you can select My Orders Only or Hide Back Orders and Order Categories to filter the available orders for processing. 

Select orders from the left side and transfer to the right hand side. This can be done by:

  • Double clicking on the order.
  • Searching by Account number or Order number and double clicking on the order or click the Add button.

Orders can be unselected by selecting the item on the right side and clicking Remove.

7. Select the appropriate ‘Details required as’ (it is automatically set to ‘As set on order’). 

8. If required, it is possible to automatically print when an order is complete. The options to auto print are ‘Picking Lists’, ‘Tickets’ and ‘Shipping Documents’. 

Orders after the Passthrough date (if enabled) will not be checked for status and will appear in yellow in the ‘Orders to be actioned’ box. 

9. When the right hand box has all the orders that are required to be processed and all the correct settings are selected, click the OK button to process.

10. After the process run has completed the system will produce an audit log. It is recommended that this report is printed and acted upon. It is key to making sure orders are processed and not missed

The audit report will:

  • Show all the orders that have been processed and the outcome of the process. 
  • Show all orders that have been back ordered or cut. 
  • Indicate any customers or stock items that require attention.   

Orders are now ready for picking.