In Card Manager select Order Processing ---> Master File Maintenance ---> Customer Retail Prices.

Select the price list you want to use by either:

  • Entering the reference  
  • Using the next buttons.
  • Selecting the search button

To create a new alternative retail price either:

  • enter the new name in the reference section (this will prompt to create a new list).
  • Selecting the new button

With the price list showing click on Export and save the spreadsheet. This is a template and list of existing prices.

Edit the spread sheet adding editing or adding lines.




The name of the price list


The season of the item on the price list


For a Price Code price this is the PRODUCT GROUP.

For a Design price this is the DESIGN CODE


For a Price Code price this is the PRICE CODE.

For a Design price this field should be left blank


The retail price used by the customer

Save the spread sheet

Return to CM Customer Price Lists.

Click on Import

Pick the spread sheet that has been updated/created.

The new pricing will now be validated and loaded.