Consignment selling (SBT)
The process of consignment or scan based trading, is when goods are supplied to store free of charge. The store pays for the goods when they are sold to the retailer.
The process in Card Manager.
Orders process and ship through Card Manager the same as an order that is invoiced immediately. The only change is that the order will be marked as being destined for consignment shipping.
Once the order is confirmed, rather than the order changing in to an invoice and shipment, the order is converted to a shipment and the stock is added to a special consignment warehouse associated with the customer. The consignment warehouse records how much stock has been shipped to the customer and hence allows a valuation to be calculated.
The customer delivers sales of the stock from store usually as an accumulation of the sales either over an agreed period or as an accumulated sales figure which is reset periodically.
The sales data is imported in to Card Manager using a predefined profile that describes the format of the data file. The sales data is validated before accepted in to the database. Each sale decreases the consignment warehouse stock level as well as being added to a special billing order.
Once the consignment import is complete there will be a set of billing orders, 1 per store. The billing orders are immediately available for invoicing. The invoicing process is now the same as invoicing a normal order.
Setup Steps
Warehouse set up
To allow a customer to participate in consignment sales a consignment warehouse needs to be created to hold the store stock levels.
- Go to Master Options
- Select System Preferences Inventory Control Maintain Warehouses.
Press the New button
- Enter the warehouse name (the recommended name would be the name of the chain being set up for consignment).
- Tick the Consignment check box and the Exclude From Total Stock (this is the norm for consignment)
It is important to set this at the time the warehouse is set up as it cannot be changed later.
- Uncheck all other boxes.
- Click Apply to save.
Customer setup
The customer head office needs to be linked to the consignment warehouse.
- Go to either Order Processing, Ticket Servicing or Display Planning
- Locate Customer details in Master File Maintenance
- Enter the customer head office code
- Select the restrictions tab.
- Click in to Consignment and change the warehouse to the new warehouse created earlier.
- Click Apply to save.
Order Entry
Orders for the consignment customer and their branches will automatically be created as consignment orders.
Note: Existing orders will not change.
An order can be changed from consignment to direct invoicing:
- Go to Order Processing
- Select the Line Orders Folder then Order Entry
- Find the correct order number and select Edit Order
- Select the Orders tab and change the order processing type from Consignment to Normal.
- Click Apply to save.
Ticket Orders
Ticket orders default to Normal or Consignment based on the customer type. This cannot be overridden until the order has been created
Delivery Edit/Confirmation
Although there is no extra special step here, there is an opportunity to change the order from consignment to normal and vice versa.
Consignment Transfer
The final step of the consignment process is the transfer of the shipment to the consignment warehouse. The transfer processes will increase the stock levels in the consignment warehouse. The stock will be transferred to a location in the warehouse using the stores account code. There is an option to use the consignment stock at price code level, as some retailers can only supply price level sales information.
- Go to either Order Processing or Ticket Servicing
- Select Create Consignment Transfer from Shipped Orders from either the Delivery details or Account menu.
- Only orders marked for consignment transfer will display on the screen (in the consignments to be created box). To transfer all orders click OK. If you do not want to transfer all orders continue following the steps.
- Tick the Selected only check box (all orders will move to the shipments available box).
- Select orders to transfer
- Click Add
- Click OK to transfer
Store Sales Import (EPOS import)
There are two imports of the Store Sales:
- Fixed format
- Customisable input format via the auto-replenishment system
Fixed format:
- Go to Order Processing or Ticket Servicing
- Select the Account or Delivery Details menu and click Import Consignment Sales
Select the correct file to import, the file must be CSV or XLS, each column must have a recognised heading (see appendix 1 for the allowed headers).
- Select Head Office if importing by branch number and include Customer PO Reference if required.
- Tick the appropriate box for consolidation
- No consolidation (will create invoice from the imported file only)
- Consolidation by Season/Account (will add items to existing orders organised by season)
- Consolidation by Account (will add all items to an existing order)
- Click Import.
Customisable input format via the auto-replenishment system:
- Go to Ticket Servicing
- Select the Auto Replenishment menu then Sales Import.
- Select import name (profile) from the dropdown list
- Use the folder button to select the correct import file
- Select the correct sales date for the file
- Click OK, a report will be created and any validation errors will be displayed.
Create Invoice
Use the normal Create Invoice From Shipped Orders option to create the invoice for the customer.
Appendix 1
Consignment Import column headers
Account | Customer Account Code (Do not use with Customer Branch Number) |
Customer | |
Custno | |
Accno | |
Accountno | |
Extref | Customer Branch Number (The Store Head office is required on the processing dialogue, the branch number of the customer records need to be set for this option) |
Branch | |
Branchno | |
Storenumber | |
Branch# | |
Store# | |
Season | Design Season Code (optional can be derived from the item code) |
Seas | |
Design | The Design Code |
Item | |
Itemno | |
Partno | |
Part# | |
Barcode | Barcode of the item |
Upc | |
Ean | |
Custitem | Customer Item Code (Must have customer items codes set up) |
Custitemno | |
Custitem# | |
Qty | Quantity sold in singles (cards) |
Quantity | |
Card | |
Cards | |
Sold | |
Date | Date to use on the invoice |
Invdate | |
Unitprice | Single price to charge on the invoice. Looked up if not supplied |
Price | |
Wholesale | |
Unitwholesale | |
Cardprice | |
Description | Item Description |
Desc | |
Descript |