Substitutions are managed by the “Substitution File” in Display Planning > Master File Maintenance.

Substitutions work by finding a matching SEASON/PRODUCT/PRICE/MAJOR/MINOR for a given pocket, and then “looking for” a suitable sub.

Individual Substitutions can be managed using the “Substitution Path Details” area in CM.

Substitutions are created by first entering the details, and then adding the details to be substituted with.

The caveat of the above process is that depending on the number of ProductGroup, PriceCode combinations you may have many-many entries to add. In this situation you can use “Automatic Subs..” along with a spreadsheet, to populate all of these substitution combinations.

Open the “Automatic Subs path” dialogue and select the appropriate Season.

Next create and populate a spreadsheet with the fields: Season, Major, Minor, Sub Major, Sub Minor, and Position.

Lastly click OK to apply the Substitutions.

If you wished to substitute MinorCaption “Happy” with MinorCaption “Hotpress” then you would populate the spreadsheet with:




Sub Major

Sub Minor








Note that “Position” is used in situations where you have multiple substitutions for a given combination (SEASON/PRODUCT/PRICE/MAJOR/MINOR) and wish to attempt to fulfil each one in sequence (ie. sub postion1 is attempted first, then sub position2, and so forth).

The CM Training file (CMCompany T) is particularly useful for testing these substitutions. (you may need to refresh the training database). First create your substitution rules, then make stock adjustments to the appropriate stock, to lastly test your substitutions.