The Webportal’s Brochure feature allows logged in users to open and view Brochures (sometimes referred to as Catalogues) contents by flipping through the pages (like a conventional Brochure).  

This Brochure content is managed and controlled via the Brochure menu, within the WebPortal's Administration.


Brochure Anatomy

Brochure’s use a hierarchical structure that consists of the following entities:

  •  Brochure Container - Parent folder that contains and groups all of the associated Brochure folders (eg. Examples) 
    •  Brochure Folder – A folder that stores the actual Brochure’s page images. (eg. Brochure1) 
      • Image files – Images for each of the pages for the Brochure (eg. Page1.png).
      • Control file – (BrochureList.txt) the file responsible for organising which pages are shown in the Brochure/Catalogue

Brochure Editing

To begin editing brochures, login to the WebPortal as an Admin user, and then select “Brochures” from Administration (under Options Menu).



This will show the following page, listing all of the existing “Brochure Containers”. 


Clicking a “Brochure Container” (eg. Examples) will then list all of the associated “Brochure Folders” (eg. Brochure1) within.



These contain the actual page images for the selected “Brochure”, which can be uploaded by using the “Drag & Drop” window at the bottom of the screen (shown below).  

The sequence of these pages is managed via the control file “brochurelist.txt”.  And if required, a new control file can be created byclicking “Create File”.  


To begin editing the Brochure pages, click the controlfile’s “clipboard” icon.



The user will then be presented with a page similar to the one shown below.  

To create a new position in the brochure, click the “New” button, and then select an appropriate image by clicking the dropdown arrow, and then selecting a previously uploaded image.


Lastly, when you are ready click “Save” to apply the changes.