The "Selling" tab in CM Inventory dictates who can view and/or order each design on the WebPortal and CMRS app.

(Inventory Control > Master File Maintenance > Inventory Maintenance > Inventory Details > Selling)

Ticking the "Enable for Web Site" checkbox, by itself, will flag that design to be uploaded to the WebPortal database on the next scheduled CMWebLink upload.

Where required a manual upload from CMWebLink will also publish the design/s to the WebPortal database.

Once uploaded, the design/s will then become visible and orderable, to all user types (customers/sales reps) on the WebPortal platform.  

The design/s will be available on the CMRS app platform, after a successful sync.

Optionally, by entering dates into the Start and End Date fields, you can restrict a design's visibility on the WebPortal for a given period.

Similarly, the remaining fields restrict design visibility and orderability according to the user type.

Importing Design Visibility in Bulk via a Spreadsheet

The design visibility and orderability can be imported into CM in bulk by using a spreadsheet.

The following spreadsheet fields each correspond to the Selling tab's checkboxes "enable for website", "web start and end dates", and "visibility":

  • WebSite
  • WebStart
  • WebEnd
  • WebVisible

The WebSite field is the master flag and is mandatory (design will not be uploaded without this flag).

This field accepts Boolean values (yes/no or 0/1). 

The WebVisible field is binary, and uses a single number to represent multiple "visibility" selections made.

1Customer cannot see
2Rep cannot see
4Customer cannot order
8Rep cannot order
16Rep cannot credit

These numbers can be added together in order to make multiple visibility selections.  

(The attached spreadsheet is a cheat-sheet and details a map of these numbers and corresponding selections)

For Example.

To hide from customer and stop ordering set to 5 (1 + 4)

To make available only for credits set to 15 (1 + 2 + 4 + 8)

To stop credits set to 16.

For Example.

Below is an example of a spreadsheet format that CM could import.

This will produce the following result in CM's Selling Tab.